Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Gravy Thought...

After rising from my bed, I proceeded to do as I do once every weekend. I made sawmill gravy.

Starting off with my favorite breakfast sausage, I browned that up nicely. After sprinkling on a tablespoon or two of chili powder and paprika, I stirred that and scooped it into a bowl to the side.

Adding a couple tablespoons of butter and flower, I scraped and stirred the pan with a wooden spoon. After the flower-butter mixture turned a nice amber, I added a cup or two of milk. Letting that thicken up, I added the sausage back in and enjoyed over some toasted, left-over thanksgiving rolls.

Thinking back on this, I wonder why pre-made gravy packs and cans work so well. After all, this whole ordeal took me maybe half an hour, and I know it tasted better than anything found in a pantry. Just another example of why quality is a dieing virtue in today's life. Oh well, atleast I had a good breakfast.

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